
Hi, I’m artist Patrick Barnes. Welcome to my website showcasing my fine jewelry. Please look around, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what you find here. New information is added every day!

Diamond Color Explained

By Patrick | June 24, 2020
Diamond Color Explained by Southwest Originals 505-363-7150

A Diamond Color grade is determined by its specific color grade assessment. In plain terms, the higher a diamond color grade is the less color it exhibits and the more sparkle it shows. If a diamond is gray or cloudy in color, it is a lower diamond color grade and if a diamond is nearly […]

Diamond Cut Explained

By Patrick | June 18, 2020
Diamond Carats Explained by Southwest Original 505-363-7150

Mined rough diamonds are cut to turn them into gem-quality diamonds employing both science and art. A shape and polished diamond start with a rough stone and the result is its diamond cut. The diamond cut is determined by the angles the diamond is cut into and the work expertise value of the artisan workmanship. […]

Diamond Clarity Explained

By Patrick | June 17, 2020
Diamond Color Explained by Southwest Originals 505-363-7150

Inclusions are the internal defects of a diamond and diamond clarity is the measure of a diamond’s internal defects. Inclusions in diamonds consist of several types including foreign material crystals, another diamond crystal or structural issues like small cracks show up in a diamond as translucent or whitish. Diamond clarity is determined by inclusion numbers, […]

Diamond Carats Explained

By Patrick | June 15, 2020
Diamond Carats Explained by Southwest Original 505-363-7150

Carat Definition for Diamonds and Precious Stones Many people do know about carats when it comes to diamonds. What they do not know about carats is how the measurement works. There are multitudes of carat sizes. Common diamond carat sizes people talk about for example are ½ carat, ¾ carat, and 1 carat. What most […]

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