Smart Reasons Why You Should Use a Custom Jeweler

Wearing jewelry adorned in fine gemstones inlaid in high valued minerals like gold are a wonderful way to display your uniqueness and what you like. Custom jewelry is a great way to show your feelings about a loved one, show your style and flair or just to wear what is essentially a piece of art to represent your individuality. It delivers an energy directly to you and from you, like nothing else in the world. That being stated, there is a plethora of information about custom jewelry.

Jewelry historically has been a component of mankind and adornment going back thousands of years. It is a fact that jewelry has been found that dates back 30,000 years. In those days personal adornment artifacts were made with items found in mother nature like seashells, bird feathers, decorative stones, polished wood and even bones.

Jewelry has a long history and the trends in the industry have been extensive. With that in mind, featured below is some cool information about custom jewelry and design.

A Simpler Path to Reducing Your Decision on all Your Custom Jewelry Choices

When considering your large number of choices to be made when comes to working with a custom jeweler and making designed  custom jewelry purchase, there is a certain level of pleasure one derives from having a stunning selection of materials to choose from to make your custom piece of jewelry. You have the distinct advantage of being able to take your time and look at multiple examples of custom jewelry made by the custom jeweler and from there discuss what you materials you want and how you want your piece to look with your custom jeweler. Custom jewelry provides an easy path to make your selection of precious gemstones like diamonds, rubies or emeralds, the metal you want and overall design you desire for your one of a kind piece of jewelry.

Cultural Identification and Honoring Where you Come from Originally

Custom jewelry gives the wearer the opportunity to create a piece of jewelry that incorporates materials and specific historical designs connected to where you come from and your people’s culture. For example, custom jewelry ring designs with origins from Italy, Greece, Scotland going back hundreds of years are incorporated into customer pieces by custom jewelers for their customers all the time. Designing and manufacturing a custom jewelry piece with your own cultural identity is a great way to make a statement while wearing something and makes you proud and that you love.

Keeping Inside the Price Point Cost You are Willing to Spend

Custom jewelry is, by definition, one-of-a-kind, and that is one of its main advantages. Even though custom jewelry is unique, it also gives you the distinct advantage to the buyer of giving them the ability of staying at a set spending level when out seeking a custom designed jewelry piece. This is the case because you are going to be collaborating with a custom jewelry to design your piece. When a piece of jewelry is designed and manufactured this way you get to decide on materials quality, included gold karat and precious gemstone karat quality and cost. For example, when you work with a custom jewelry like Southwest Originals, you are able to make specific decisions about the gemstones you select, any inlay materials used and the quality of gold for your custom ring, pendant or bracelet.

No Wholesaler, Distributor, or Retailer, Just You and Your Custom Jeweler

When considering all the advantage of buying custom jewelry, the specific advantage that should drive you to choose to use a customer jeweler for every piece of jewelry you buy is there is no middleman markup. Chain stores selling engagement rings and wedding rings work with manufacturers to make their jewelry inventory. Your price on their inventory factors in that extra cost. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when you work with a custom jeweler you are working with the designer and manufacture, where the price is the price and there is not middleman markup covering overhead, store rent and sales commissions. It is just you and your custom jeweler. Your piece will be a collaboration between you and your designer.

Dedicated to Excellence

A custom jeweler with a history of quality gives you a level of excellence you will not find anywhere else in jewelry. A custom jewelry designer is fully versed in all aspects of quality custom jewelry. For you the buyer that means when you purchase customer jewelry you will receive a piece of jewelry that literally is tied to the custom jeweler’s business reputation and livelihood. With that in mind, know that it is their sole purpose to put out quality work that exhibits distinct excellence.

14 karat yellow and white gold ring with Diamonds and Opal inlay #G0163
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